JavaScript has a very weird type system with how strings can sometimes be converted to numbers. It’s a very cool feature but can cause a lot of pain because adding 1 doesn’t always do what you think it should due to type-juggling. So you might think there’s an easy and relatively foot-gun free to convert an array of strings to numbers. You would be wrong, well maybe not at least if you don’t use the functional language stuff in JavaScript or just do an in-place update or your array, but that’s besides the point.
Here’s a simple example. The variable x
has a list of strings 1, 2, 3
assigned to it. If the array has parseInt
applied to it via
. What is expected to happen? You would expect that the
strings would be parsed using their base 10 representations. Well that’s
not what happens.
x = ["1", "2", "3"]; // [1, NaN, NaN]
The problem is the callback that
expects, and how
JavaScript handles function arguments. If you look at MDN, the expected
callback looks like so:
function myAppliedFunc(currentValue, index, theArray) { /* .. */ }
So if I pass in the raw parseInt
function, which takes in 2
parameters the string and an optional radix. The index is received as
the radix to use. So for the 2nd element ‘2’, it sees a 1 radix because
of counting from zero. ‘2’ is not a valid digit in a base 1 system only
zero. So JavaScript is helpful and returns NaN, instead of returning a
proper error. Completely valid decision, just a really irritating one
not to be caught by a linter. It’s a problem with being over-flexible.
It’s just that we were not expecting that. Maybe parseInt
could have
thrown an error when the radix got too big for it to handle, but then
again exceptions really suck.
So the correct way is to curry parseInt
and fill in the 2nd parameter
with what base your strings are in.
['1', '2', '3', '4'].map((x) => parseInt(x, 10))
The even more correct way is to use the Number
function instead,
as show below (Thanks Dr. Killian):
['1', '2', '3'].map(Number)
Feel free to email me about any weird JavaScript issues or foot guns you’ve found.